Nicole Julia Giannella

Assistant Professor


My research focuses on understandings of slavery, freedom, and ownership in Roman legal, literary, and philosophical texts. I'm currently working on a book, The Mind of the Slave: The Limits of Ownership in Roman Law and Society, as well as a new project on letters of enslavement.

Research Focus

  • slavery and freedom studies
  • Roman law and society
  • Latin letters
  • Seneca the Younger


“The Cost of Ingratitude: Freedmen, Patrons, and Re-enslavement,” R. MacLean, S. Bell, and D. Borbonus (eds.), Freed Persons in the Roman World: Integration, Diversity, and Representation, forthcoming.

“Two Ex-Slaves of Cicero: Tiro and Chrysippus Beyond Reach,” D. Meticic and J. Rogers (eds.), Working Lives in Ancient Rome, Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming.

“¿Honor entre esclavos?: desigualdad frente a la ley en el Imperio romano,” M. Campagno, J. Gallego, C. García, and R. Payne (eds.), Desigualdades Antiguas. Economía, Cultura y Sociedad en el Oriente Medio y el Mediterráneo, Miño y Dávila Editores, 2023.

“Between Slave Catchers and Slave Harborers: Trust on a Roman Road,” C. Moatti (ed.), The Experience of Mobility: Situations In Between, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2021.

“Free in Fact? Legal Status and State in the Suits for Freedom,” C. Ando and W. Sullivan (eds.), The Discovery of the Fact, University of Michigan Press, 2020.

“The Freedom to Give: The Legal Basis of Seneca’s Treatment of Slaves in De Beneficiis,” Classical Philology 114.1, January 2019.


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